Customizing beCPG

Deleting unnecessary lists

Repository > Système > Modèles d'entité > Projet

You can delete the unnecessary data lists after clicking « View data lists ».

Creating a new list

To add a new list using the model designer or a xml file, you have to create a model inheriting from bcpg:entityListItem and its associated forms.

In our example we will use the deliverable model.

<code class="xml"><type name="pjt:deliverableList">
            <property name="pjt:dlDescription">

Adding a new Gantt view

Adding a new gantt view is achieved by adding a new list in :\ Repository > Système > Modèles d'entité > Projet

The associated type is the Alfresco type you created. The custom view name has to begin with « View-gantt- ».

Every project inheriting from this model will also have this new gantt view.

The gantt is rendered by a JavaScript function declared in « gantt-columnRenderers.js ».\ All gantt renderers are associated to a type. To initialize a new renderer, you have to create a YUI event :

<code class="javascript">"registerGanttRenderer",  {
    typeName : "pjt:deliverableList",
      ganttInitialiser : function(callBack) {

The ganttInitialiser method gets the legends and creates the Gantt. An example is provided for taskList. Here is the function for the deliverables dispay in Gantt :

<code class="java">ganttInitialiser : function(callBack)
    var fnDrawGantt = function PL_onReady_fnDrawGantt()
        var recordSet = this.widgets.dataTable.getRecordSet();
        if (recordSet.getLength() != 0)
            g = new JSGantt.GanttChart('g', Dom.get( + "-gantt"), g != null ? g.getFormat() : 'day');
            g.setShowRes(0); // Hides the resources
            g.setShowDur(0); // Hides the duration
            g.setShowComp(0); // Hides the progress
            var start = new Date();
            for (var i = 0; i < recordSet.getLength(); i++)
                var oRecord = recordSet.getRecord(i);
                var deliverable = oRecord.getData();
                var taskId = deliverable.nodeRef;
                var precTaskIds = "";
                var pParent = 0;
                var pGroup = 0;
                var tlIsMilestone = true;
                var tlPercent = 0;
                var start = new Date();
                var end = new Date();
                var color = "006600";
                if (oRecord.getData("color"))
                    color = oRecord.getData("color").replace('#', '');

                var taskOwner = null;

                g.AddTaskItem(new JSGantt.TaskItem(taskId, this.getDeliverableTitle(deliverable,
                        this.options.entityNodeRef), start, end, color, null, tlIsMilestone ? 1 : 0, taskOwner,
                        tlPercent, pGroup, pParent, 1, precTaskIds));


            Alfresco.util.populateHTML([ + "-gantt",
                    "<div class=\"yui-dt-liner\">" + this.msg("message.empty") + "</div>" ]);


And the result :

You can also change the default tasks gantt's visual by modifying tasklist's ganttInitialiser function.

Creating a multi gantt view

Since the 1.6.6 version, beCPG has a new datalist extractor that can return more than one list at a time. This is what we will use to achieve a new multi gantt view.

Creating a customized view

To create a customized view in beCPG, you have to write a share webscript in org/alfresco/components/entity-charact-views. Its name must end with « -view ».

<code class="xml"><webscript>
    <shortname>Multi Gantt View</shortname>
    <description>Multi Gantt View component</description>

You can then add the view to the project model.

The syntax to call the view is « view-{name of the view}-id ». In our example of a view with several lists, we use the parent type bcpg:entityListItem. The full example is in the sources.

Calling the multiList extractor and creating the gantt

In order to create a multi list gantt view, we instanciate in our webscript a JavaScript YUI component defined in « mtgantt-view.js ».

<code class="javascript">var mtGanttView = {
    id : "mtGanttView", 
    name : "beCPG.component.MtGanttView",
    options : {
        entityNodeRef: page.url.args.nodeRef!=null ?page.url.args.nodeRef : ""

In this component we connect a YUI datasource to the service « becpg/entity/datalists ».

We want to return the data contained in both our project lists :

  • taskList (containing pjt:taskList elements)\
  • view-gantt-deliverable (containing pjt:deliverableList)

We use the multiList extractor « dataListName=multiList_taskList_View-gantt-deliverable » and « itemType=bcpg:entityListItem ». Full URL :

<code class="javascript">getWebscriptUrl : function MtGanttView_getWebscriptUrl() {
     return Alfresco.constants.PROXY_URI + 
+ this.options.maxItems
+ "&dataListName=multiList_taskList_View-gantt-deliverable&entityNodeRef="
+ this.options.entityNodeRef;

Finally, it is necessary to precise which fields are returned by the extractor :

<code class="javascript">var request =
    fields : [ "bcpg_parentLevel","pjt_tlTaskName", "pjt_tlDuration", "pjt_tlPrevTasks", "pjt_tlState", "pjt_completionPercent", "pjt_tlStart", "pjt_tlEnd", "pjt_tlIsGroup","pjt_tlIsMilestone","pjt_tlResources",
            "pjt_tlTaskLegend|cm_name|bcpg_color", "pjt_dlDescription", "bcpg_color" ],
    page : this.currentPage,
    sort : "bcpg:sort",
    queryExecutionId : this.queryExecutionId

We define « pjt:taskList » and « pjt:deliverableList » fields at the same time.\ _\ Note : it is possible to return the association fields, in particular to get the legends associated to the tasks with only one call : pjt_tlTaskLegend|cm_name|bcpg_color._

The gantt initialization is then done using the data returned by the webscript. Le full sources are provided.

Note : the sorting has to be done by the client.

The result :\ image.jpg

Adding a new button to the toolbar

It's possible to easily add new buttons to the beCPG datalists toolbar.\ You have to add a new YUI event in one of the view's JavaScripts. For the gantt view, you can use the file « gantt-view-toolbar.js ». The event to trigger is called « registerToolbarButtonAction ».Then, there is an evaluator that determines for which lists and where (right or left) the button is displayed and finally a function that create the widget or a function to call when the button is clicked. Here is the full-screen button example, there are more provided in the file.

<code class="javascript">"registerToolbarButtonAction",
            actionName : "full-screen",
            evaluate : function(asset, entity)
                return !== null && ("View-gantt") > -1 || === "taskList") ;
            fn : function(instance)

                if (Dom.hasClass("alf-hd", "hidden"))
                    Dom.removeClass("alf-hd", "hidden");
                    Dom.removeClass("alf-filters", "hidden");
                    Dom.removeClass("alf-ft", "hidden");
                    Dom.removeClass("Share", "full-screen");
                    Dom.addClass("alf-content", "yui-b");

                    Dom.addClass("alf-hd", "hidden");
                    Dom.addClass("alf-ft", "hidden");
                    Dom.addClass("Share", "full-screen");
                    Dom.addClass("alf-ft", "hidden");
                    Dom.addClass("alf-filters", "hidden");
                    Dom.removeClass("alf-content", "yui-b");
                    Dom.setStyle("alf-content", "margin-left", null);



Associated CSS :

<code class="css">.datalist-toolbar .full-screen span.first-child
background: url(../images/fullscreen-enter.png) no-repeat 5px 4px;

Customizing the gantt

When initializing the gantt in each view, it is possible to customize its display :

<code class="javascript">g = new JSGantt.GanttChart('g', Dom.get( + "-gantt"),  'day');

Description of the parameters

g.setFormatArr("day","week","month") Shows only day, week and month

g.setShowRes(0) Hides the resource column

g.setShowDur(0) Hides the duration column

g.setShowSelect(0) Hides the checkboxes

g.setShowComp(0) Hides the progress date column

g.setShowStartDate(0) Hides the beginning date column

g.setShowEndDate(0) Hides the end date column

g.setCaptionType(Caption/Resource/Duration/Complete) Defines the message type next to a task :\

                                                     - Caption – customized message defined when adding a task (pCaption)\
                                                     - Resource – name of the resource associated to the task\
                                                     - Duration – duration of the task\
                                                     - Complete - % of progress

g.setColWidthFactor(1.1) Increases column size

You can overload the rendering of the gantt by overloading one of the following models :

<code class="javascript"> renderMile



Example to color all the day box and to have the caption in the box : 

g.setColWidthFactor(2); // increases the boxes size
g.renderMile =  function(...){
    return '<div id="bardiv_' + vcurrDivID + '" style="position:absolute;       top:0px; left:' + Math.ceil(vTaskLeft * (vDayWidth))  + 'px; height: 23px;  width:'+vColWidth+'px; overflow:hidden;"><div id="taskbar_' + vcurrDivID +  '" style="width:100%;height:100%;background-color:#' +                                                  vTask.getColor() + ';">'+vCaptionStr+'</div>';

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    No results matching ""