Site creation
Sites are collaborative spaces in which a team or a service can work on the same data/products in a dedicated space. For example:
- R&D site;
- fresh products R&D site;
- frozen products R&D site;
- Purchases;
- Quality;
- Plant A;
- ...
To create a new site, click on Sites> Create site (on the upper headband).
Once the site has been created, it is possible to administrate the members of the site thanks to the site’s « Members » tab. In that tab, you can indicate groups and/or users who get access to the site.
To add a new group or a new user to a site, click on the icon which is surrounded in red as per the screenshot below:
Select the « Members » tab or the « Groups » tab to add people or groups respectively. Write the first letters of the users or groups names to find them.
Then, assign rights to users or groups by chosing a statute :
- Consumer (can consult content);
- Contributor (can add and modify his own documents);
- Collaborator (can add and edit his documents and others’ documents) ;
- Manager (can invite people).
- Version manager (can merge branch/version to this site and consult content);
Rights matrix is available at:\_share\_components.html
Rights management in sites is easier than the rights management in the repository :
- It’s not possible to have a group as collaborator on a folder and not on another folder.
- If a group is collaborator in a site, he’s collaborator on all the contents.
- If you want to create a site where the group A is collaborator on the folder A and the group B is collaborator on the folder B, it’s not possible. Thus, you should create two sites, one for the group A and another for the group B.