Product advancement


An « Advancement » notion is linked to products. It takes into account the points allowing a product to be considered as finished.

This «Advancement» notion, computed at each formulation, appears at the top right of each list (composition, nutrients...). It is represented as a blue donut with a percentage in its center.

This percentage corresponds to the progress score of the product : a score of 100 % means that the product is considered as finished and thus, it can be validated and sent to the ERP.

This score is computed from 3 points, for which the detail can be visualized by putting the cursor over the diagram.

  1. The percentage of « validated » components: a product isn’t finished as long as all its components haven’t been validated ;
  2. The percentage of filled mandatory fields: these fields are defined in the properties catalogues in the server configuration ;
  3. Respect of the brief: each unrespected constraint in the brief lowers the score by 10 %.

Each one of these criteria counts for 1/3 in the score.

Score improvement

Improvement of the component validation score

The validation score is computed from the ratio of the « Validated » components in the product and the total number of components.

When a new component is validated, it’s necessary to formulate the product again in order to improve the score.

Improvement of the mandatory fields score

It’s possible to define a certain number of mandatory fields in order to validate a product (examples : legal name, precautions of use, shelf life …).

The definition of these mandatory fields catalogs is located in the administration » documentation: Administration

Once these catalogues have been defined in the server, it’s possible to see which one is lacking by two different means:

  • Via the missed requirements :

  • During the consultation/modification of the product properties :

In order to improve the score, it’s necessary to fill these fields. The fields with a flag indicate a multilingual field for which only the language indicated by the flag is not mentioned.

Improvement of the score linked to the compliance with the specifications.

The last criteria is the compliance with the specifications associated to the product.

Each missed requirement from the specifications will reduce the maximum score by 10 , until 0 .

Only the requirements of type « Forbidden » impact the score. « Tolerated », « Information » or « Authorized » don’t have any effect on this latter.

In order to improve the score, the user should modify the characteristics of the product which are not in accordance with the specifications.

For this purpose, the user can consult the « Forbidden » requirements in the « Specifications » filter of the missed requirements.

The missed requirements which are part of a source (here the raw material 11) are by default in this source. Consequently, they have to be corrected in this source. Ones which don’t have source are by default in the formulated product.

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