Advanced customization of the supplier portal


Survey are fully customizable lists used to ask suppliers questions. The answers will be recorded in beCPG but not used by the formulation.

Creating and adding survey and answers

First, you need to create questions and possible answers in the survey administration list (surveyList). Then add them to the entity model's survey list.

Click here for more information.

Note: If the survey list is not present, it can be added to the entity template. Click here for more information.

Supplier Wizard

The following customizations are advanced beCPG settings.

Customize supplier wizard

Add survey to wizard

To display the survey in the Supplier Wizard, you need to modify the becpg-config-custom.xml file.

To modify this file, click here for more information.

Note: It is possible to create several supplier survey, depending on the entity, for example.

Supplier-specific forms

Specific forms can be defined for properties and lists used in the supplier portal.

Click here for more information.

Supplier referencing project

Supplier referencing project templates have the “Supplier (bcpg:suppliersAspect)” aspect.



Click here for more information.


The supplierPortalScript.js script enables :

  • create a branch
  • associate the task with the supplier account
  • move the entity and supplier in the portal

The supplierPortalPrepareSignatures.js script allows you to:

  • Create signature tasks and assign them to the supplier account
  • Generate a document on the entity (based on the supplier data sheet report)
  • Associate this document with a project deliverable for signature
  • Create the closing task and assign it to the project creator
  • Associate a validation script with the closing task to put the branch back into the initial entity.

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